Yes that's right...Scott and I have made an impulse decision to go see Sara Groves along with 4 other artists this Saturday night. This impulse decision was made easier given that it will be near Shana and Chris (this is really a guise to see these two lovely people) in Grantham, PA (Messiah College). And also the tickets were only $10 each. YAY!!! I have been wanting to see Sara for a long, long time.
Also a plus? Sandra McCracken and Derek Webb will be there. Maybe they will sing this beautiful song "O Love That Will Not Let Me Go". Scott and I, thanks to Joel and Elizabeth, two of our favorite siblings (you know, aside from Allen, Alex, Amy and Guy) as well as two of our favorite brothers and sisters in Christ, have really gotten into Indelible Grace Music. (run on sentence?) I would encourage you all to check them out!
Other than that, on a more serious note, please continue to pray for Scott in his affliction of this abdominal pain. He started having the pain again in church today, and is now laid up in our bed trying to cope. Pray for healing and for his spiritual well-being as this is very discouraging for him.
More to come, I'm sure...