06 October 2009

Rockin' Green

So I have tried a new detergent on my diapers. And I love it. My diapers smell excellent every time I wash and they have never looked brighter! My only qualm is that it is advertised as a scented laundry detergent for diapers, but I haven't really noticed a scent...Maybe it is because my diapers were pretty funky before trying this. Anyhow, I'll let you know how they smell after I get my replacement diapers. To get your own Rockin' Green go here.

Furthermore, you did hear me correctly, I said "replacement diapers". It just so happens that Cotton Babies will replace your diapers if you have a problem with them. My BumGenius laundry tabs have bit the dust...therefore my Velcro is biting it too! So, I've read all the terms and conditions, it seems they will replace my diapers. My friend Megan got her's replaced, for the same reason. It also seems I have the old laundry tabs on my diapers. New diapers, new laundry tabs, happy Mama.


Elizabeth said...

Woa, what a sweet deal!!

Amy said...

I've been using Nellie's detergant from the beginning (which I got from cottonbabies). It works great and smells refreshing too. I've been thinking about wanting to replace the diapers soon. The laundry tabs fail quickly. My sister in law said she thinks they have been using a lesser quality on the velcro than when she first started using them. She got new diapers this past June and had to replace them already. The older diapers didn't fail as quickly.

Are you going to try the new diapers BG came out with? The EconoBum? I'm so tempted...

Rebecca said...

I am going to get the same diapers, because I really do love them. The laundry tabs are the biggest problem, and I think they changed the tabs. I wish they sold something other than the organic diapers with snaps. EconoBum is just a pre-fold with a cover. I've tried pre-folds before and really didn't like them. It takes too long to get them to not leak for my liking. The next diaper I try out will be fuzzibunz :-) But that won't be for a long time!

Elizabeth said...

I just revisited this post, and it's funny to read it as though they are YOUR adult diapers that you are laundering. You keep saying "my diapers". I kill me, I am so funny. :-)

Megan Gahagan said...

I'm loyal to the BGs too, but the velcro tabs do frustrate me a little at this point. The old version Gro Baby is on sale @ www.kellyscloset.com right now. I was thinking about buying just a couple to try them out.

By the way, let me know how the Northern Essence has been working out for you.


Rebecca said...

I like the Northern Essence... A LOT!