04 November 2008

The Growing Belly

Alright, I'm back...emerging from the world of make-up and visiting nursing... whew! Some updates: First of all, we had our first "snow-storm" of the year up here. Did not take pics because Mama Pearce and I were out in it shopping and sitting on a closed Rt. 80. Tres fun, I assure you. That same day I had my 16 week check-up with my mid-wife. Little Harold might actually be a Harold after all. The baby's heart rate was 132...which is slow...which "they say" is a boy heart rate. Time will tell, we will be having our ultrasound just before Thanksgiving. Our plan is to have the ultrasound tech write the sex on a piece of paper (if they can tell) and put it in an envelope so that we can open it at our leisure. We are so very excited to find out what we are having. I felt the baby move for the first time a week or so ago. Which, they say is early, but I seem to be super in-tune with my body and can feel everything. Scott says I can feel my appendix working (he's not in the medical field, folks, hence he does not know that an appendix does nothing. :-) So anyhow to get to the point of this post...the first belly pic!

You can see my belly is growing, but thankfully the rest of me is not! I have only gained somewhere between 4 and 5 lbs. So we are right on track. So here's to how sugar makes me feel caffeinated and all the protein I need to shove into my tummy...yum...


Elizabeth said...


As our friend Chris was fond of saying to his wife until four days ago, "You're fat in the uterus!"

I would say that the bulging belly suits you. Here's to watching it grow!

This comment is full of exclamation points!!

Elizabeth said...

Also - thanks for the update, it's about time.

Joel said...

wow! how crazy is that. it makes it seem so much more real since we can see you with a belly! we're so incredibly excited.

Shana said...
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Shana said...

Ah, stupid Blogger is screwing up my posts!

Anyway, you look awesome! Can't wait to hear if Harold's blue or pink. :)

Anonymous said...

Too Cute! You have to love a growing belly.